
Back to School, Back to Dance.. Kind of

By now most everyone is back to school, and that means back to dance. Well, kind of. Most of you have been dancing all summer long, with crazy schedules…dance intensives, choreography intensives and more. Now you have to bring school and homework into your already busy dance schedule! How can I make sure I have enough time!! Because time is so important. So how do you keep your schedule? 

Here are 5 ways to help you balance! Your schedule… not your pirouettes but we will talk about your pirouettes later.

1.Go to bed at a decent time. 

And that does not mean getting into bed and sitting on Instagram and snapchat until 2am when you have to be up at 6. Prioritize, check it quick, respond to your friends and put the phone down! 

2. Eat to fuel your body, not food that makes you crash.

I vividly remember grabbing a heath bar and an iced tea as my snack between dance classes on school nights. Some sugar and caffeine what else could I possibly need? Well your body needs more than that, and so does your brain. If you want to keep dancing well into your old years feed it right now so it can keep up! Bring an apple or an orange for in between classes, and always eat dinner before!! Not eating is going to make you crash, and when you are tired dancing countless hours that is when you are more prone to injuries.

3. Don’t procrastinate

Helloooo get your school work done ASAP! There is nothing like coming home from rehearsal starving, and sweating and realizing you have a five page paper due the next day.

4. Keep positive.

Everyone has bad days. Don’t let it ruin your rehearsal. You choose to be at dance, and whether practice sucks that day or its the best practice of your life, you know why you are there.

5. Remember your goals.

Make some goals, make big goals, weekly goals, monthly goals, whatever. If my goal is to get an A this semester in my hardest class at school, I am going to cut out time from other places to get that A. Maybe I stay after school and work on that class, but that means I don’t get that extra hour before dance. Or if my goal is to get more flexible by the end of the year, when I’m doing my homework at night I’m not going to sit at a desk. I can sit on the floor and stretch while I complete my homework. AND BOOM two things at once. 

Always remember to be proud of yourself for the hard work you put into being a dancer. There’s a reason why not everyone succeeds or sticks with dance. It is because it is hard work! Just remember to prioritize your time. Don’t forget to make time to make time for fun too!

Let us know some of your favorite ways to balance your time!