During the last year, with all of the craziness that has been going on, I found it more important to be very aware of checking in with my students. Talking to them and gaining a perspective of their overall well-being. I can’t say that in the past this was something I remembered to do on a weekly basis, but this year it is more of a daily basis!
From sitting in a circle and having my elementary students share something they enjoyed during their day, to taking an extra five minutes to change shoes with the preschoolers, and giving the high schoolers meditation and reflection time. I found these to be wildly beneficial in the overall atmosphere of the classes.
I also began introducing Dancer of the Month. Now, I recognize someone in each age level to get more of a chance of reaching more kids, and having it be something they strive for! Using this certificate gives dancers a chance to be recognized for their accomplishments! These accomplishments can be small or big, or just the fact the you seen this child working hard every day they are at the studio!
I think that it is important to make a big deal out of those who achieve this each month. They can receive something from your dance studio retail store, get their picture posted on your social media, the possibilities are endless! I plan on continuing to use the Dancer of the Month as something my dancers look forward to as they grow at the studio. I want it to be a keepsake for them for years to come, and for them to remember how special it felt for them to be recognized.
If you are interested in purchasing the Dancer of the Month certificate below you can click here! There are also six versions of the certificate with a variety of colors all for $2 and if you want a custom color reach out to me!
Let me know how you share your students accomplishments! Do you have dancer of the week, month, year? Let me know!